Academic Standards Office

How To Improve Academic Performance

  1. An excellent resource to point your attention to first is the Student Success website. It offers handouts, links, and activities related to topics such as notetaking, test anxiety, learning strategies, memorization techniques, time management tips, goal setting, and much more! Please take some time to view and implement some new strategies to aid in your success.
  2. Utilize the services offered in the Academic Support Center. The Center includes a math and writing lab, as well as individual tutoring, supplemental instruction and satellite tutoring.
  3. Reduce working and/or student activity hours.
  4. Develop a weekly study schedule by utilizing College Schedule Maker to fill in your classes and other weekly commitments. For every hour in the classroom, it is recommended to engage in 2 hours of studying outside of class. For example, if you are taking 15 credits, there should be about 30 hours of study time shown on your weekly schedule.
  5. Utilize a daily planner to keep track of due dates for assignments, projects, presentations, events, quizzes and exams. You should keep contact information for all of your instructors in this as well.
  6. Have a consistent sleep schedule. Get 8-10 hours of sleep each night and try to get to bed by 11pm.
  7. Attend and be on time to every class. Sit in the front row and avoid texting during class.
  8. Review notes for five minutes before and after each class.
  9. Communicate with your instructors. If you must miss class, let them know ahead of time. Utilize instructor’s office hours if you do not understand assignments, course materials, expectations, or have other issues or concerns to discuss.
  10. Meet with your Academic Advisor regarding class schedule and career goals.
  11. If you are a student that may require additional services, we recommend that you explore the following offices: Center for Students with Disabilities, University Health & Counseling Services, and/or the Academic Support Center.
  12. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, avoid smoking and drinking, and make time for yourself and friends.