Facilities Planning & Management
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The purpose of this policy is to provide adequate building security for persons and property through the control of keys issued and to ensure appropriate access to work areas for employees in buildings on the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus.
Facilities Planning and Management staff will process all key requests, returns and replacements for academic (GPR) or athletic buildings.   Key processing for auxiliary(PR) buildings will require contacting the office of the Executive Director of Auxiliary Services, or designate, and the Executive Director of University Housing, or designate, for specific instructions.

Requesting Key(s)

All unclassified, classified, LTE, project employees and Grad-Assistants will be issued keys necessary to access designated work areas.

  1. Requesting keys is accomplished by completing and routing the electronic Key Transaction Request form.  Steps for completing Key Request forms are included in a separate section.
  2. A key Requestor is the Chairperson, Director, Dean, Building Supervisor or designate authorized to submit key requests. (Key requests submitted by someone other than authorized key requestors will not be processed.)
  3. Keys will only be issued in person to employees by the Locksmith, or designate, at the General Services office located at 500 N Fremont. Key issuance will typically require university identification and key holder signature. When keys are issued, individuals possessing the issued keys and the individual's department assume the responsibility for the safekeeping and eventual return of university keys.
  4. Keys will not be issued to students or student employees, except for auxiliary operations and as provided for in auxiliary building key policies. A Dean, Director, or Department Chair may authorize temporary key access to a student employee within a department by following listed procedures.
  5. For short-term or temporary building access, Departments may retain duplicate check-out keys in a secured area (lockable box or cabinet). Respective Departments are responsible for the security and issue/return records maintenance (sign out-in log) of temporary issue keys.
  6. FP&M will maintain employee key records for academic, athletic, and select auxiliary facilities. Periodically, key control reports will be generated and utilized to audit building access, key records accuracy, and access necessity. Key returns or an issuance of keys may be required as a result of access report and/or audit findings.
  7. Rekeying of a building or group of rooms may result in employees being required to exchange keys. Departmental designees will assume responsibility for collecting an old key before the employee receives a new key.

Returning Key(s)

  1. Returning University keys in person, by the key holder originally issued the keys, is required when employees retire, resign, transfer departments, or terminate campus employment.  Returning keys is accomplished by delivering the keys in person to the General Services office located at 500 N Fremont, Whitewater. 
  2. Reports that delineate key holder changes and exits will be generated and reviewed monthly. Keys that are not returned as specified will be retrieved by University Police or FP&M staff and the costs for retrieval will be assessed to the associated department or unit.
  3. Specific key return or retrieval procedures for Auxiliary buildings may differ from those stated in this policy document and will be enforced as established by the Executive Director of Auxiliary Services. The special needs of Auxiliary facilities will be met while complying with the general security and access principles of the institutional key policy.

No Duplication or unauthorized Transferring of Keys

The Wisconsin Administrative Code Section UW 18.06 (12) currently reads as follows:
"Keys. (a) No person may duplicate a university key or request the unauthorized duplication of a university key. (b) No person may transfer any university key from an individual entrusted with its possession to an unauthorized person, or be in unauthorized possession of a university key. (c) Keys in the possession of unauthorized persons may be confiscated. (d) No person shall replace without permission, damage, tamper with or vandalize any university lock or security device."
Also, the Wisconsin Administrative Code Section UWS 18.07 reads as follows: 
"Penalties. Unless otherwise specified, the penalty for violating any of the rules in s. UWS 18.06 shall be a forfeiture of not more than $500, as provided in s. 36.11 (1) (c) Stats."

  1. Key Transfers
    Completion and submittal of the Key Transaction Request form, to designate key transfer by an authorized key requestor or designate for the key transfer is required.   This must be a hand-to-hand exchange.   Keys should never be given to a department employee to hold for a future employee.

Key Policy Basics

  1. University Police must have unrestricted access to all campus areas for safety, security, and health reasons.
  2. A Building Supervisor will be designated for each building. Building supervisors are responsible for oversight and approval of key transactions. Key transactions will be conducted through electronic forms and correspondence (email) by the building supervisor or building supervisor's designee (contact person or key coordinator).
  3. Key issuances and returns will be conducted in person at General Services by the key holder.  Keys must be returned by key holder prior to completing position exit or transfer. Non-returned keys will be collected by University Police or FP&M personnel at key holder department's expense. Lock shop support personnel will complete data entry key transactions for issuances and returns. Key access and transaction reports will be provided, when approved by FP&M management, upon request.
  4. The issuance of keys for the University Housing (PR buildings) is not included within this policy. Employees working in these buildings must conform to the basic security principles identified within this document, as well as the specific key policies established by the Auxiliary Services Administrator for relative buildings.

Lost Keys

  1. A report must be filed with University Police before lost or stolen keys will be replaced.
  2. A key request to replace the lost key must also be submitted and approved.
  3. After receiving the required report and key request it will be determine what building(s), space(s)  are potentially compromised and at risk.  There is a $35 per lock charge for each door that is re-keyed.
  4. Discussions will then be conducted with the Locksmith, Building Supervisor, Department Chair and Administrators, as appropriate, to determine building and space security changes, access change scheduling, and funding as necessary.

Chargeable/Non-Chargeable Key Issues

  1. There are no charges for original keys issued to an employee.
  2. Broken or worn keys will be replaced without charge. Original key parts must be returned to FP&M Lock shop.
  3. Replacement of lost, stolen or unreturned keys will result in charges to the respective keyholder department. FP&M will assess labor and material costs for restoring security caused from the lost key(s).
  4. Lost, stolen or unreturned keys resulting in widespread loss of security will be referred to University Administration for disposition and cost assessment.

Key Levels/Required Authorizations

  1. Grand Master Key: Provides total access to all buildings within a particular system on campus. Authorization for this key is granted by the Director of Facilities Planning and Management (FP&M) and is restricted to security and maintenance personnel only.

  2. Building Master Key: Provides access spaces within an individual building. The issuance of this key is restricted to persons authorized by the Building Supervisor and Dean in conjunction with the Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Management for General Program Revenue (GPR) buildings, and the Executive Director of Auxiliary Services for Program Revenue (PR) buildings.

  3. Building Sub-Master Key: Provides access to a group of rooms within a department or building. Authorization for this key is required from the appropriate Dean, Building Supervisor, Director or Department Chair.

  4. Individual Room Key: Provides access to a room/office within an individual building. Authorization is granted by the Dean, Building Supervisor, Director or Department Chair.

Record Keeping

Facilities Planning and Management will maintain records of locks installed and keys issued for GPR buildings The Executive Director of PR or Auxiliary services (or designees) will maintain records of locks and keys for the associated buildings. Reports approved for issuance will be generated by Facilities Planning and Management for GPR buildings as requested by Building Supervisors.


Facilities Planning and Management will periodically perform physical inventories of keys for Academic, Athletic or Auxiliary buildings. Replacement of keys found missing or spaces determined in need of lock and key change will result in charges to the associated department or unit.

Contractor Key Issuance

  1. Requests for keys shall be made using the CONTRACTOR KEY REQUEST FORM. All keys must be personally signed for by the contractor's representative to whom the keys are issued. Contractor must abide by the Contractor Key Agreement stated on the form.
  2. Contractor representatives must provide photo ID and company ID before being issued requested key(s).
  3. All keys must be returned to FP&M before final payment authorization of services provided will be granted.
  4. FP&M will be responsible for contractor key issuance, collection and record keeping.

High Security Areas

For reasons of safety and security, University Police must maintain access to all university areas. It is, therefore, essential that all areas remain on the master key system. When security of a space is in question and keying off the master key system is sought, exceptions to this policy must be made through the appropriate Vice/Assistant Chancellor's office. Authorization and approval for these exceptions will be granted by the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs. Facilities Planning and Management may deny custodial and maintenance services to these areas if access is not readily available. (Departments may want to investigate other security measures/devices before deciding upon this procedure.)